keith ferris in Chinese
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- ferris
- Ferris,wheel 阜氏转轮〔游艺场中供人乘坐可以飞快转动的玩具〕。
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- keith
- n. 基斯〔姓氏,男子名〕。
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- ferris wheel
- 法利士巨轮; 费里斯大转轮; 观览车; 可分为重力式摩天轮; 摩天轮
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- pam ferris
- 帕姆・费里斯
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What is the meaning of keith ferris in Chinese and how to say keith ferris in Chinese? keith ferris Chinese meaning, keith ferris的中文,keith ferris的中文,keith ferris的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by